17 December 2009 - Christmas reflection service

It was great to be able to join all the staff and service users at the Christmas Reflection service held at one of the sites covered by Sandra in her role as head of spiritual care.

This was a particularly moving service not only because this was the first time in three months she had been able to meet and greet many of her work colleagues, but the warm welcome, songs and tributes were very moving.

Christmas reflection service

Sandra and I would would like to convey our appreciation for the warm welcome it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and choir you were fantastic. God bless you all.


13 December 2009 - Ebenezer

The mention of the word 'Ebenezer' at this time of year usually conjures up images of the Charles Dickens' character Scrooge with whom we have come to associate with the famous work 'A Christmas Carol'

But the real sense of the word is actually taken from the bible and means 'The stone of our help' and was a phrase used by the prophet Samuel to commemorate and to remind God's people of how He subdued and gave them great victory over their enemies when they turned and cried out to him.

To mark the occasion a great memorial stone was set up to act a reminder for future generations of how God had helped his people in a time of trouble and Samuel marked the occasion by declaring the words "Thus far the Lord has been our help" - (I Samuel 7:12).

A new chapter

Yesterday the 12th December, marks exactly 3 months to the day since Sandra was taken ill into hospital and as a family we also echo the words used by Samuel to declare that "Thus far the Lord has been our help" and although the journey is not yet complete we are persuaded that he will finish the work that he has began.

As we enter into the last few weeks of rehabilitative care, Sandra continues to improve with each passing day. During the coming week there will be a number of assessments including observing her ability to perform some basic tasks in the home setting, so far, so good.

A new chapterWe also want to acknowledge the many people who have been instrumental in helping us make it this far as we realise it was really your available hands and hearts that God used to encourage us along the way.

Thanks to all the medical staff who have been involved in Sandra's care at this point - you really are the gloves the great physician's hand.

Our family, friends, Pastors, Church family, work colleagues and even strangers who cheer-leaded, encouraged, inspired, fed and supported us a long the way - Thank you.

The prayer team, partners, Churches and groups who have offered prayers unceasingly on our behalf - you also share in our joy, we bless and love you all.

But most of all to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, God's Son, who has been the solid rock upon which we have been able to stand. Who has not only been the 'rock of our salvation' but also the 'stone of our help'- our Ebenezer, Lord we thank you.


07 December 2009 - Christmas preparations

A new chapterAs we draw nearer to the target discharge date of Christmas, a number of measures are taking place to help prepare Sandra for being back in and being able to manage in her home environment.

Ironically each time she is home for the weekend, she demonstrates a sense of intuition and orientation which is not as prevalent in the hospital environment.

After a minor fall last week she is regaining her sense of balance and confidence although still needs some accompaniment for longer walks.

This week she will be evaluated on her ability to independently manage a number of scenarios she would face in a typical day around the home, so please keep praying for her in that respect.

Please also continue to pray for her memory which continues to improve although there are some hazy moments as well as for continuing improvement of her peripheral vision.

As a family we still pray and declare that she will 'Recover all with nothing broken and nothing missing' so please continue to trust and believe God with us for this to be established.
We are reminded from Jeremiah 1:11 that God watches over His Word to perform it so we continue to stand on what He has already said.

Thanks again to everyone for your messages of support and encouragement as well as your continuing prayers for Sandra and also to Pastor David Carr and the family at Renewal for such a warm welcome last weekend.

God bless you all.


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